Meet the Team!

Autumn McKay

Autumn McKay

Autumn is the founder of the BestMomIdeas blog which later blossomed into the first books for Creative Ideas Publishing. Autumn took the engaging and fun activities that she was doing to educate her children and expanded that into several books so other parents could benefit from her preparation and experience.

Ever since Autumn was a little girl she dreamed of becoming a teacher, so in college she studied to become a teacher and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education. She has taught in the classroom and as an online teacher. Both experiences allowed her to teach students of varying ages in multiple states, so she has been certified to teach in California, Colorado, Arizona, and Georgia.

Later, she became a mother and found herself with 3 full time students who she has been hugging, teaching and playing with ever since.

Creative Ideas Publishing

Seth McKay

Seth is the founder of Creative Ideas Publishing. He started Creative Ideas Publishing after looking at the publishing landscape, with a handful of giant publishing companies, and believing it would be easier to create a new company instead of trying to get books published with one of “the big guys.”

Seth began his career as an engineer and later began managing teams or product roll-outs. Seth works to bring an engineer’s curiosity and operational focus into the business so it can sustain continued growth.

You can find Seth at the local gym every morning at 4:45am and later in the evening you’ll find him playing Legos or hot wheels with the kids.


Tori Outlaw

Tori Outlaw is the spunky author of Not Your Average women gratitude journals as well as other books to help encourage and empower.

After graduating from GCSU in 2015 with a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication, she married her high school sweetheart, and now has a two-year old daughter and crazy cat. Before joining the Creative Ideas Publishing team, she worked for Cru and then FCA mentoring teen girls hoping to help them flourish in life and faith.

She now spreads that positivity and empowerment through parenting and authoring journals and books.

Julie McHenry

Julie McHenry

Julie first started working at BestMomIdeas, but was inspired to write her own books with Creative Ideas Publishing.

Julie is married with 2 children. She works to make fun activity books that her kids will love to ensure that your kids will love them too. Julie’s daughter is Creative Ideas Publishing’s official product specialist for all things unicorn!